During this year’s Early Childhood and Primary Years Conference, which is held for the 13th time, we discussed “The Power of Play in Early Childhood”. Our guest speakers were Fiona Zinn, one of the doyennes of early childhood and primary years education, and Rebecca Isbell, a motivational speaker, prolific writer, and consultant in early childhood education. As we all know, play in early childhood unlocks essential skills and boosts well-being for life. Through play, children reflect, engage, connect, collaborate, share, negotiate, communicate, observe and learn. Inquiry through play offers many opportunities for educators to reflect on the process of learning. As educators, through observation and reflection, we, gain valuable insights into how young children inquire into the world around them. During our conference, we discussed the power of play in early childhood and benefit from the diverse knowledge and experiences of our guest speakers.
As Isikkent School, we believe that a better future can only be created through education, and therefore, we always attach importance to collaborating with educators and improving together. With this aim in mind, we host world-renowned experts at our conference, trying to provide educators with opportunities to closely follow international developments. We would like to thank 600 educators from all over our country for participating in the seminar and also Fiona Zinn and Rebecca Isbell for their very valuable sharing, and we hope that all our participants benefit from international developments and experiences.