With its functional communal areas, the school facility is the perfect multi-purpose education complex that enriches the education programmes. Large and well-lit classrooms are constructed in line with the needs of the lessons. All areas inside the campus serve the pedagogical, academic and personal needs of our students.
Physical, social and academic environments around the school are organised according to healthy learning conditions.
Our school has one PS and one MS lab, in which maths and science classes are held; three HS science labs, in which chemistry, physics and biology classes are held; and a welding room, in which different stages of experiments are performed. These labs are fully equipped to carry out researches and experiments on all subjects involved in the Ministry of Education and IB curricula, and are especially suitable for IB students in Grade 11 and 12 to make long-term scientific observations for their research projects after getting individual appointments.

The Auditorium has a 436 seating capacity and the state-of-the-art light and sound system. The school has hosted live performances such as concerts, shows and plays. It is used by all students for assemblies and performances and for seminars.
Swimming Pool & Sports Complex
The indoor swimming pool is half Olympic sized and all children from age 3 have regular swimming lessons. The aquatics programme involves developing individual and team skills, and the school hosts and participates in swimming events.

Our school library contains published, visual and electronic resources and materials that are suitable for different age groups and learning styles.
The library has a growing collection of over 24,000 books in English and Turkish, with additional collections of books in French, Spanish and Italian. The Işıkkent Library regularly subscribes to 9 different magazines titles in both Turkish and English. Information on current affairs are supported through 2 electronic databases.
The library meets both teaching and learning needs and supports the curriculum as well as promoting the habit of reading. For this reason, students actively use the library for a variety of activities -such as lessons, reading and research- throughout their learning process.
With its up-to date and universal collection, our library develops the joy of reading in children. You can access the resources from the e-catalogue by visiting http://library.isikkent.k12.tr . You can search by using the name of the author (surname-name), book title, keyword, topic or word.
Music Room
Students are given an environment, which is designed for age appropriate student centred learning, to express themselves through music in line with the lesson’s outcomes.
Ceramics & Art Studios
Fully equipped Art Studios are reflection of our educational philosophy which encourages engagement in artistic experiences; to use inventive skills and talents; and to discover self and the world by developing a unique perspective.
Cafeterias & Canteens

In order for our students to eat healthy and have healthy eating habits, two snacks and a lunch are given to the students at school. Parents must ensure their children have breakfast at home. The school provides snacks during the morning and afternoon breaks.
ELC Food Service
ELC students are served lunch in the ELC cafeteria. The school dietician oversees the menu preparation.
Any dietary conditions or allergies a child has should be communicated to school by the parents. Chocolates, cookies, cakes or drinks from home should not be brought in to share. Food items brought from home are not to be distributed to students due to concerns about nutrition and food safety.

The Primary, Middle and High School Food Service
Lunch is served in the main dining hall and Primary School students go to lunch with their teachers. The school provides snacks during the morning and afternoon breaks. The school dietician oversees the menu preparation.
Canteens are open at certain hours in Işıkkent. Only High school and Middle school students can buy food or drinks from the canteens. Primary students are not allowed to shop from the canteen. They can only buy food or drinks from the canteen cart if they are staying for an after school activity. Nutritious food and beverages are sold in the canteen to support our student’s healthy development.
Infirmary – Medical Services

Our infirmary consists of a part-time doctor, a full time nurse, emergency paramedic (EMT) and a medical secretary.
The infirmary is open between 08.30-17.00 on weekdays, and on Saturdays during the ASP hours. The doctor is available between 08:30-9.30 every morning. The nurse and paramedic, who specialise in emergency medical intervention, work full-time.
The secretary is also present for medical registration procedures. They make the necessary interventions for important cases with the approval of the school doctor. In medical emergencies, the school sends students to the nearest hospital companied by the EMT and informs the parent immediately.
Student medical records are kept in the infirmary. New parents must complete health forms while all other parents need to inform the Infirmary and the relevant school office in case there is a change in their child’s health or the medication to be taken.
All Işıkkent students are covered with accident insurance during school hours. When the school is open, and students are residing in the dormitory; boarding students are covered 24/7 by personal accident insurance.
Boarding School

The Işıkkent Boarding School for high school students who come to İzmir from different cities.
The Işıkkent Boarding School was founded in 2012, in order to provide students in the Aegean Region with a unique, high quality learning environment that has global educational standards.
With its 72 student dormitory capacity (36 boys and 36 girls), Işıkkent dormitory is settled on two floors separated for boys and girls. The dormitory rooms are designed according to the needs of our boarding students to provide them with social, psychological and academic support. Each floor has a lounge, visitor room, infirmary and a laundry room. Students have their own bed, cupboard and study desk in the double rooms.
Işıkkent Boarding School Goals and Philosophy
The main goal of the Işıkkent Boarding School is to provide the most suitable social and academic environment for students to develop their physical and psychological development where they can feel at home.
Our second goal is to help students spend their free time effectively through academic, social, sporta and artistic activities.
The main values of the Işıkkent Family are the essentials of coexistence which are respect, love, sharing, integrity, understanding, responsibility and cooperation. Within this framework, academic, social and cultural outcomes acquired in line with the boarding school system prepare our students for real life.