
Işıkkent is a K-12 school. The continuity between grade levels ensures a consistent system for students and teachers while reinforcing education.
the knowledge permanent for
students !

Işıkkent School provides students with opportunities to learn through various activities and experiences in a rich learning environment enabling experimental studies and allow students to work in small groups. The students are actively involved in the learning process while receiving guidance from their teachers in the classroom.

The IB programmes, which focus on holistic development, center upon the belief that each student is different, anticipate the active involvement of students in the learning process and emphasises the importance of interdisciplinary studies, are implemented at Işıkkent School in alignment with the Ministry of Education curriculum. Through IB programmes, the students get prepared for life and for their future education as reflective, confident, responsible inquirers and communicators, who are knowledgeable about the global issues and respectful of the similarities and differences between others.
Işıkkent School is the one and only school in the Aegean Region and one of the seven schools in Turkey that implements all three IB Programmes (PYP – MYP – DP) from preschool to the end of high school.

Formative assessment and performance assessment in the classroom are evenly carried out for a 21st century student, and each school day is turned into a unique learning experience. We want our students to adopt a critical stance, avoid rote learning, use the knowledge and experience the outcomes of their learning directly. We create our learning environments based on the standards above while taking the teaching and learning process into consideration.

Based on our approach on raising students as inquirers, not as rote learners; we develop creativity, problem-solving skills and research skills in students while reinforcing academic knowledge by guiding them to participate in interdisciplinary studies and projects during their learning process.
Multi-faceted Development of Personality
We organize extracurricular activities such as excursions, conferences, debates, science festivals and tournaments to ensure the proper use of knowledge, raise awareness among students and foster learning.
We closely monitor our students and provide the necessary guidance to uncover and improve their potentials based on our understanding that each student is different and learns through diverse ways and methods. We support our students in setting future goals and developing strategies through our consultancy services.

Our social responsibility projects help students in all grade levels become more conscious about social problems and develop skills to identify a problem, find a solution and realize it.
Based on the Interests, Requests
and Abilities of the Students

We attach importance to providing a holistic education for students and raising good citizens for society based on our belief that “the schools are not only responsible for providing academic education but also for raising whole children”.
Our educational philosophy is enriched with after-school programmes, besides the academic programmes, conducted throughout the academic year. We help students develop themselves in various fields such as sports, music, visual arts, personal development etc. through diverse programmes carried out at school during after school hours.

in Sports
and Arts

Our students are highly interested in the fields of sports and arts along with their intensive academic programmes. Our school teams have succeeded in many tournaments while our school band has received awards in a lot of prestigious contests. Every year, the Işıkkent School Choir gives a concert at Ahmet Adnan Saygun Arts Center with Izmir State Symphony Orchestra and at the end of each academic year, our drama clubs stage musicals and plays like professional actors/actresses. More than 1000 visual art works created by our students are exhibited at Yaşar University and enthral the visitors every year. Being improved in various fields of sports and arts, our students positively reflect the self-discipline and enthusiasm they have for those fields on their academic life.

Our teaching staff, which mostly consists of native English teachers; our English curriculum, which starts in pre-school and allows students to experience English in daily life; and the international projects that our students are involved in; help them keep up with the current issues, extend and develop their use of English, and enhance their intellectual level. When they move up to high school, our students become fluent in writing and speaking in English and competent in literary criticism. This enables them to interpret the world around them, express their thoughts and deepen their understanding as scientifically and socially equipped individuals.
Along with the rigorous education of English, our students learn French, Spanish or German as a second foreign language as of Grade 5 and participate in international examinations to verify their language skills.
Our HS and MS students get the chance to learn about different cultures and gain new perspectives through Model United Nations (MUN) and Junior Model United Nations (JMUN) conferences, academic excursions (as of MS), international competitions, community service projects and overseas excursions (as of HS).

Competent and Positive Individuals
attitudes and values our students
need for the 21st century
Why to choose Işıkkent?
Academically Strong Students Raised with a Holistic Approach
PreK-12 Integration
Işıkkent is a K-12 school. The continuity between grade levels ensures a consistent system for students and teachers while reinforcing education.
IB Programmes
The IB programmes, which focus on holistic development, center upon the belief that each student is different, anticipate the active involvement of students in the learning process and emphasises the importance of interdisciplinary studies, are implemented at Işıkkent School in alignment with the Ministry of Education curriculum. Through IB programmes, the students get prepared for life and for their future education as reflective, confident, responsible inquirers and communicators, who are knowledgeable about the global issues and respectful of the similarities and differences between others.

Işıkkent School is the one and only school in the Aegean Region and one of the seven schools in Turkey that implements all three IB Programmes (PYP – MYP – DP) from preschool to the end of high school.
Learning through experience makes the knowledge permanent for students
Işıkkent School provides students with opportunities to learn through various activities and experiences in a rich learning environment enabling experimental studies and allow students to work in small groups. The students are actively involved in the learning process while receiving guidance from their teachers in the classroom.
Formative Assessment

Formative assessment and performance assessment in the classroom are evenly carried out for a 21st century student, and each school day is turned into a unique learning experience. We want our students to adopt a critical stance, avoid rote learning, use the knowledge and experience the outcomes of their learning directly. We create our learning environments based on the standards above while taking the teaching and learning process into consideration.
Interdisciplinary Studies
Based on our approach on raising students as inquirers, not as rote learners; we develop creativity, problem-solving skills and research skills in students while reinforcing academic knowledge by guiding them to participate in interdisciplinary studies and projects during their learning process.
Different Learners, Differentiated Learning
We closely monitor our students and provide the necessary guidance to uncover and improve their potentials based on our understanding that each student is different and learns through diverse ways and methods. We support our students in setting future goals and developing strategies through our consultancy services.
We Aim for Multi-faceted Development of Personality
We organize extracurricular activities such as excursions, conferences, debates, science festivals and tournaments to ensure the proper use of knowledge, raise awareness among students and foster learning.
Community Service Activities

Our social responsibility projects help students in all grade levels become more conscious about social problems and develop skills to identify a problem, find a solution and realize it.
Programmes for Holistic Development Based on the Interests, Requests and Abilities of the Students
We attach importance to providing a holistic education for students and raising good citizens for society based on our belief that “the schools are not only responsible for providing academic education but also for raising whole children”.
Our educational philosophy is enriched with after-school programmes, besides the academic programmes, conducted throughout the academic year. We help students develop themselves in various fields such as sports, music, visual arts, personal development etc. through diverse programmes carried out at school during after school hours.
Opportunities in Sports and Arts

Our students are highly interested in the fields of sports and arts along with their intensive academic programmes. Our school teams have succeeded in many tournaments while our school band has received awards in a lot of prestigious contests. Every year, the Işıkkent School Choir gives a concert at Ahmet Adnan Saygun Arts Center with Izmir State Symphony Orchestra and at the end of each academic year, our drama clubs stage musicals and plays like professional actors/actresses. More than 1000 visual art works created by our students are exhibited at Yaşar University and enthral the visitors every year. Being improved in various fields of sports and arts, our students positively reflect the self-discipline and enthusiasm they have for those fields on their academic life.
Real World Citizens
Native Fluency in English
Our teaching staff, which mostly consists of native English teachers; our English curriculum, which starts in pre-school and allows students to experience English in daily life; and the international projects that our students are involved in; help them keep up with the current issues, extend and develop their use of English, and enhance their intellectual level. When they move up to high school, our students become fluent in writing and speaking in English and competent in literary criticism. This enables them to interpret the world around them, express their thoughts and deepen their understanding as scientifically and socially equipped individuals.
Second Foreign Languages

Along with the rigorous education of English, our students learn French, Spanish or German as a second foreign language as of Grade 5 and participate in international examinations to verify their language skills.
Gaining New Perspectives Through International Activities
Our HS and MS students get the chance to learn about different cultures and gain new perspectives through Model United Nations (MUN) and Junior Model United Nations (JMUN) conferences, academic excursions (as of MS), international competitions, community service projects and overseas excursions (as of HS).