IŞIKKENT EĞİTİM KAMPÜSÜ 6240/5 Sokak, No:3, Karacaoğlan Mahallesi 35070 Yeşilova - İzmir
Tel: +90 232 462 71 00 Faks: +90 232 462 71 02 E-Posta: [email protected]
Our 1st graders went to the "Natural Life Park" in the last week of our "Sharing the Planet" unit. Our students had the opportunity to observe the habitats of animals there and to compare what they have learnt during the unit with what they observed. During the trip, they questioned how people's actions affect the lives of animals and what they can do about it. They evaluated the notes that they took during the trip on the way back. Are suitable habitats created for animals? Are the animals happy? How would you describe this place to those who want to visit the Natural Life Park? were the questions that they asked and thought about their responsibilities on this issue.