IŞIKKENT EĞİTİM KAMPÜSÜ 6240/5 Sokak, No:3, Karacaoğlan Mahallesi 35070 Yeşilova - İzmir
Tel: +90 232 462 71 00 Faks: +90 232 462 71 02 E-Posta: [email protected]
Our school nurses made a presentation on "The Importance of Healthy Nutrition" for 1st and 2nd grade students. Our students learn about what healthy food is, why we should not eat unhealthy foods, what we call " junk food", the effects of balanced nutrition on growth, and how we can be protected from diseases by eating healthy. They watched videos. Our students have had the opportunity to ask questions about topics they are curious about. We would like to thank our school nurses for this presentation, which will help to raise awareness of our students.