Işıkkent School is a K-12 foundation school which employs 122 full time teaching staff. 30% of the teachers have a master’s degree or higher. 10% of the teachers are native English speakers. Our student to teacher ratio is 6 to 1 and the average class size is 18. In the Early Learning Centre and Primary School, each classroom has 2 homeroom teachers.
Each classroom in the ELC has 20 students max.
Each classroom in the PS, MS and HS has 24 students max.
Average teaching experience is 17 years
Average working period in Işıkkent is 6 years.
Being a Teacher at Işıkkent
Teachers at Işıkkent School are expected to provide students with a rich and effective learning environment while other staff members give their full support for the creation of such a learning environment.
As a K-12 school, Işıkkent School aims to make learning an exciting and lifelong process for students. Işıkkent School adopts an approach, which requires students to inquire, explore and produce knowledge rather than consuming it; to enable the acquisition of academic skills as well as the positive social and cultural values necessary for students’ future lives. As a reflection of this approach, the teacher guides the students in and out of the class by asking questions to make them think critically and thoroughly about the subject and internalize the knowledge while looking for the answers. While preparing educational experiences for students, the teachers include the elements, which are to support different levels of intelligence, in their teaching programme.
As well as being an expert in their own field, each member of the academic and administrative staff internalizes the IEK values and reflects those values in different areas.
Işıkkent School attaches priority and endeavours to create the best work environment in order for its employees to reach their full potential and achieve their goals. As one of the prominent educational institutions in Turkey in terms of salaries and vested benefits, our school invests on professional development programmes. Through committees formed by teachers and employees on a voluntary basis, all staff members are encouraged to communicate their ideas on the decisions to be made within the school. Ensuring a fair, transparent and “people-oriented” management for employees is an aim to be achieved and is considered important by the school.