IŞIKKENT EĞİTİM KAMPÜSÜ 6240/5 Sokak, No:3, Karacaoğlan Mahallesi 35070 Yeşilova - İzmir
Tel: +90 232 462 71 00 Faks: +90 232 462 71 02 E-Posta: [email protected]
SKI CAMP 21.01.2018
27 IEK students attended our ski camp at Uludağ Ski Center between January 20th and 24th. Our students were divided in three groups according to their skiing ability levels. Each group worked under the supervision of an experienced ski instructor and a PE teacher during their ski activities. They were trained for 4 hours a day (2 hours in the morning & 2 hours in the afternoon) and participated in many fun activities after dinner such as sledding, snowball fight, snow football and snowman building besides the skiing lessons. Each of our students moved up to a higher level in skiing during this productive and joyful camp, and represented our school successfully.