The personal project is a culminating Middle Years Programme (MYP) Product which helps to cultivate the student’s personal interest and apply the skills, which have been developed through the MYP Approaches to Learning. This project is based on the student’s interests and talents, resulting in a product or outcomes. At Işıkkent we start preparing students for this important event from year 5 where they have an opportunity to come up with original ideas and develop certain skills during a long process and in such a way they become more aware about the expectations and requirements in the final year of the MYP. Middle school and High school students have displayed the products they have been working on during the year on the online platform. In April, they did their presentations online to their project supervisors who assessed their process and provided the constructive feedback. As a second round, they will be displaying their projects to the jury committee members between June 11-14.
You can visit our Online Platforms using the links.
Middle School Projects Link: https://padlet.com/myppad/iekms_myp2021
Grade 9/10 High School Project Link: https://padlet.com/myppad/iekgrade9_10myp