IŞIKKENT EĞİTİM KAMPÜSÜ 6240/5 Sokak, No:3, Karacaoğlan Mahallesi 35070 Yeşilova - İzmir
Tel: +90 232 462 71 00 Faks: +90 232 462 71 02 E-Posta: [email protected]
HS students had an online meeting with Serin Bitar, who works as a “Protection Officer for Gender-based Violence and Refugee Protection” in the UN Izmir Office, and discussed the activities carried out in different countries as well as in Turkey about the “Sustainable Development Goals”. With separate sessions for each grade level on different days, our students got detailed information about how the UN follows and records the activities regarding the “Sustainable Development Goals”, which are covered within our MYP and DP English curriculum. We believe that this meeting raised awareness among students about how human rights are protected by the United Nations.