IŞIKKENT EĞİTİM KAMPÜSÜ 6240/5 Sokak, No:3, Karacaoğlan Mahallesi 35070 Yeşilova - İzmir
Tel: +90 232 462 71 00 Faks: +90 232 462 71 02 E-Posta: isikkent@isikkent.k12.tr

We have carried out the first session of the TEOG Motivation Programme with the Grade 8 parents on Monday, November 14th. Psychologist F. Nur İbaoğlu Zahnd held an activity to help parents control their anxiety and stress levels in order to support their children during the TEOG process. The participants discussed achievements, failure, the impact of stress on success and what they expect from their children. After the discussion, Zahnd lead a relaxation and stress management activity. Participants stated that they had enjoyed and benefited from the session. The following three sessions of the programme will be carried out with the students; and will include activities for them to be aware of and cope with their stress. We would like to thank our parents who supported the programme with their participation.