ELC students worked on “how change affects living things”, which is the second line of inquiry of our theme “How the World Works”. First, they visited the school garden, collected the trash they found in the garden with gloves and brought it in their classroom. Then, they looked at the materials they found in the garden and talked about how those materials affect the nature as well as the living beings. Also, they collected the colorful flowers they found in the garden, made observations by putting them in the water and drew pictures to explain their observations. By this way, they realized that change is everywhere and came up with different projects to carry out at home. After completing their projects with the help of their parents, they brought their projects to school. During this process, they demonstrated the learner profile attributes of “Inquiring” and “Knowledgeable” and used the key concepts of “Change”, “Form” and “Causality”. Finally, they decided to present their projects, resources and observations through an exhibition and prepared invitation cards for the exhibition. They held an opening ceremony for the exhibition and presented their work to the participants in the school garden.